
Flint Institute of Music Capitol Theater to Host Symphonic Breathwork Experience

“Symphony of the Soul: A Journey of Music and Mindfulness” will combine live music, sacred geometry and guided meditation to support veterans’ mental health.

Since 1928, the Flint Institute of Music Capitol Theater in Flint, Michigan, has showcased movies, concerts, beauty pageants, lectures and teenage dance nights, with acts ranging from Mel Tillis to AC/DC.

On April 27, the historic theater will host an entirely different kind of event: “Symphony of the Soul: A Journey of Music and Mindfulness.”

Featuring members of the Flint Symphony Orchestra, the event will combine the power of breathwork, live symphonic music and visual projections “to offer a unique path to mindfulness, healing and expanded consciousness,” organizers say.

The event will begin with a short introduction to breathwork. Participants are invited to sink into a state of tranquility, with the option to follow along with the guided breathwork meditation, or simply soak in the sounds of the music and the beauty of the animated projections.

Vivian Rosenthal, founder of Frequency Breathwork, will lead the breathwork session. Rosenthal’s work has been featured at major events such as SXSW, Art Basel and AREA15.

Practitioners describe breathwork as a safe and powerful non-pharmacological modality that can facilitate deep healing and mindfulness, similar to the experiences reported with psychedelic therapies. By combining guided breathwork meditation with live music and immersive visuals, the goal of “Symphony of the Soul” is to create “a profound, shared journey of self-discovery and inner peace,” organizers say.

Proceeds from the event will directly support a breathwork study for veterans with PTSD, conducted in partnership with the nonprofit Heroic Hearts Project. The research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of breathwork as a complementary treatment for mental-health conditions, paving the way for greater acceptance and accessibility.

“In a world where so many are struggling with mental-health challenges, especially our veterans, it’s crucial that we explore every avenue for healing,” Rosenthal says. “Breathwork offers a safe, accessible way to achieve profound states of consciousness and self-discovery. Symphony of the Soul is more than just a concert; it’s a truly immersive journey into mindfulness and healing in a space of connection and community.”

“Symphony of the Soul: A Journey of Music and Mindfulness” is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 27. For tickets and more information, visit the Capitol Theater website.