
‘Ecstasy as Medicine’ Explores Therapeutic Benefits of MDMA

Jonathan Robinson is a California-based psychotherapist and author of 14 books.


Psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson announced the release of his new book, “Ecstasy as Medicine: How MDMA Therapy Can Help You Overcome Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression … and Feel More Love.

MDMA has been an illegal substance since 1985, when the Drug Enforcement Administration classified it as a Schedule 1 drug. However, in 2017, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted “Breakthrough Therapy” designation to the psychedelic, which has emerged as potential treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In September, MAPS Public Benefit Corporation reported positive results from a clinical trial evaluating the use of MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of PTSD. Participants in the MDMA-assisted therapy group experienced a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms versus participants receiving a placebo with therapy, according to MAPS, a clinical-stage company focused on developing and commercializing prescription psychedelics.

The study could pave the way for the FDA to consider MDMA as a viable treatment for PTSD as early as next year. MDMA already is legal in Australia.  

Robinson asserts that MDMA “has been proven to help thousands of people successfully heal from trauma, restore love in their relationships and overcome their psychological challenges.”

In “Ecstasy as Medicine,” Robinson covers:

  • The latest ways people use this therapy, and how it can benefit you
  • How to work with a professional guide at a reasonable cost – even over Zoom
  • How to avoid problems with this medicine, such as drug impurities or unpleasant side effects
  • Ways to use this medicine to enhance your relationship or connection to your higher power
  • How to guide yourself or others for maximum benefit when on this medicine
  • How to integrate the insights from an MDMA journey into your daily life

“Jonathan shares the most powerful tools and understandings he’s gathered from over 40 years of MDMA therapy with thousands of clients,” says Ted Strauss, co-author of “iConscious – Accelerating Human Potential.”

“Ecstasy as Medicine” is available for sale on Amazon. To learn more, visit